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Rancang bangun sistem informasi akuntansi berbasis web sub sistem penjualan dan piutang pada suryo konveksi

Suryo Konveksi Group is a company engaged in clothing/convection/micro garment products and services. The business process carried out by Suryo Konveksi Group still uses manual methods in sales administration and accounts receivable settlement. In the section that deals with recording orders and sales transactions in cash and credit as well as making reports that are not yet integrated, so it takes a long time and is risky in calculating errors. This manual process has a very big risk for data loss or writing errors that result in the cash receipt process that is not properly managed. With the problems faced by the Suryo Konveksi Group, the Suryo Konveksi Group needs an integrated information system to help obtain information quickly and accurately in the form of transaction evidence and transaction reports. The system development method used in designing and building this system uses the Prototyping, while the system modeling language uses the Unified Modeling System (UML) model. This system is designed based on webside that can be run via computer, using the Hyper Text Preprocessor (PHP) programming language, Hyper Tex Markup Language (HTML), and JavaScript and MySQL as a database. The result of this research is to design an information system that can help Suryo Konveksi Group in the sales process and manage accounts receivable settlement.


KA043.2020KA 043 HIY r 2020PERPUS POLINES (TA)Tersedia

Informasi Detil

Judul Seri
No. Panggil
KA 043 HIY r 2020
Penerbit Politeknik Negeri Semarang : Semarang.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xx, 120 hlm.: ill., 30 cm.
Tipe Isi
Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
Info Detil Spesifik
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab

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