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Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa

Penyelenggaraan Gelar Wicara, Lomba Esai dan Video Pendek dengan Tema Investasi untuk Masa Depan

ILS Event Organizer is an Event Organizer established by three (3) people, namely Dwi Indah Kristiani, Lilis Mukhlisoh, and Susanti. The purpose of this Final Project is the administrator a Talkshow with the theme of Investment for the Future, an Essay Competition with the theme of Prosperous Living with the Capital Market and a Short Video Competition with the theme of Introducing the Capital Market. This Final Project consists of 3 activities, including the Talkshow and Capital Market School with the theme of Investment for the Future, an Essay Competition with the theme of Prosperous Living with the Capital Market and a Short Video Competition with the theme of Introducing the Capital Market. The implementation of this project uses four methods namely the production method, the price method, the distribution method and the promotion method (Morissan, 2010). Product methods consist of title, concept, theme, determination of place and time. In setting the price of The Talkshow participant is free of charge, while the essay competition is charged a registration fee of Rp.20,000 and short video competition is subject to a registration fee of Rp.25,000. The method of distribution, publishing and distributing registration forms to the target market is done by distributing pamphlets, brochures, social media such as Instagram, WhatsApp, personal selling, and Line broadcast messages. Fundraising methods, competition registration fees, sponsorships, running business funds and finding humanitarian givers. The project is supported by several companies such as Phintraco Sekuritas Semarang, PT PLN (Persero), the Indonesia Stock Exchange, the Semarang Beginner Stock Investor. This activity involved a committee of 18 people. The speech title which involved 2 speakers, 2 masters of ceremonies, and 1 moderator was attended by 186 participants. The Talkshow was held smoothly and was rated well by most participants. Successfully set 3 winners of the Essay Competition and 3 winners of the Short Video Competition. From the implementation of this activity, the benefits gained are Rp.1,408,800.00.-.


AB064.2019AB 064 DWI p 2019 C.1PERPUS POLINES (TA)Tersedia

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Judul Seri
No. Panggil
AB 064
Penerbit Polines : Semarang.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xvii, 137 hal.; 29,5 cm.
Tipe Isi
Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
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