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Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa

Project Kewirausahaan Bisnis Pangsit Mirah

The purpose of this thesis can train the entrepreneur and this business does
not stop just limited to the task, but can continue a successful business in the future.
The final project is to evaluate business performance from several aspect such
as marketing, production, finance, and human resources. Pangsit Mirah is located
Klipang Raya Street Ruko Klipang Pesona Asri Regency Number 17 Semarang.
The project activity starts from conducting culinary observations around
Klipang, locations determination, purchasing materials and tools, conducting
promotions, and preparing project reports.
The production aspect can be concluded that the product has good taste and
is suitable to be enjoyed as a snack, the promotion aspect can be concluded that the
promotion given makes consumers interested in buying, the financial aspect can be
concluded that the turnover decreased in June due to the effective amount of sales
reduced due to the Eid holiday .


MP006.2019MP 006 ISN p 2019 C.1PERPUS POLINES (TA)Tersedia

Informasi Detil

Judul Seri
No. Panggil
MP 006 ISN p 2019 C.1
Penerbit Polines Semarang : Semarang.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xx, 152 hal; illus; 29 cm
MP 006
Tipe Isi
Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
Info Detil Spesifik
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