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Pengaruh kualitas pelayanan jasa freight forwarding terhadap kepuasan, kepercayaan dan loyalitas Eksportir PT. Andalan Pacific Samudra Semarang

This research was conducted at PT Andalan Pacific Samudra Semarang, a company engaged in the export import freight forwarding services which always tries to give satisfaction. So it is important for the company to build service quality and exporters’ satisfaction to obtain trust with loyalty from exporters of PT Andalan Pacific Samudra Semarang. The purpose of this research are to find out the influence of freight forwarding service quality on exporters’ satisfaction, the impact of trust with loyalty and how much that direct and indirect influence and its impact. The research sample were 34 exporters of PT Andalan Pacific Samudra Semarang as respondents. The method of analysis in this research were validity test, reliability test, t test, F test, path analysis test and the coefficient of determination. The method of collecting data are questionnaire and literature studies. The result of the path analysis showed that at the path equation Z2 = 0,323X + 0,335Y + 0,402Z1 + 0,155 e3, which meant that service quality, satisfaction, trust gave positive and significant effect on loyalty exporters. The results obtained from testing the hypothesis significant test, t test and F test, so we could conclude that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. From the results showed the value of the coefficient of determination was 0,845, indicating that the service quality, satisfaction, trust had the effect of 84,5% on loyalty exporters and the rest is influenced by other factors which were not examined.


MB007.15MB 007 ERL 2015 C.1PERPUS POLINES (TA)Tersedia

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Judul Seri
No. Panggil
MB 007 ERL 2015 C.1
Penerbit Politeknik Negeri Semarang : Semarang.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xii, 144 hlm. : illus. ; 29 cm.
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Tipe Pembawa
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