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Analisis pengaruh citra merek dan promosi terhadap keputusan pembelian sirup Astina Putra Perkasa di Temanggung Jawa Tengah

The purposes of this research was to find out the effect of brand image and promotion on purchasing decision of sirup astina putra perkasa in Temanggung Central Java. The independent variable used in this research was the brand image and promotion,whereas the dependen varibael was purchasing decision. The sampling technique used was non probability sampling. The research instruments used to collect the data were questionnaires, interview, and literature study. The statistical analysis used is multiple linear regression method, test reliability, test validity, F test, T test. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) version 17 for windows was used in this final project. Multiple linear regression method produced equations Y= 1,806+0,424X1+0, 468X2. The reliability test and validity test showed that the data were valid and reliable. The hypothesis was proven using the f test and t-test leading to the conclusion that: brand image and promotion variables have significant influence on purchasing decisions of sirup astina in Temanganggung Central Java, promotion is as the dominant variable which needs to be considered and improved. The result of the t-test analysis shows that the brand image variable resulted t = 3,412 and the promotion variable resulted t= 4,404 were bigger than t table 1,988 using 5% scale. It means that brand image and promotion have a significant impact on purchase decision of Astina Syrup in temanggung cental java. Then the result coefficient of determination (R Squared) was 25,1%, meaning that purchase decision is influenced by the brand image and promotion. Whereas the other 74,9% is influenced by other variables which are not observed.


AB079.15AB 079 YEN 2015 C.1PERPUS POLINES (TA)Tersedia

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AB 079 YEN 2015 C.1
Penerbit Politeknik Negeri Semarang : Semarang.,
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