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Rancang bangun toko online sebagai media pemasaran global pada batik tenun Asritex Pekalongan berbasis web

Batik Tenun Asritex is a company engaged in Batik Tenun shirt and blouse , is located in the town of Pekalongan, precisely at Jl Karya Bakti V/24. It has two types namely Woven fabrics Rang - Rang and Ethnic Fabrics . The purpose of the project is to build a website as a means of marketing global to introduce products on a Batik Tenun Asritex, as a form of market expansion. This website has seven menus namely, beranda, batik laki-laki, batik perempuan, my cart, how to order, contact us, and location. Method of this project is the development of system analysis and methods of data collection is a literature, observation, and interviews. The main software used in designing this web site is a content management system (CMS) Joomla J2Store, and other software such as adobe photoshop, corel. It can be concluded that the presence of media marketing using web-commerce media information about the company is expected to be delivered to customers and prospective customers with a highly effective, fast and precise. The information can be displayed directly with maked a website.


MP015.15MP 015 ARI 2015 C.1PERPUS POLINES (TA)Tersedia

Informasi Detil

Judul Seri
No. Panggil
MP 015 ARI 2015 C.1
Penerbit Program Studi Manajemen Pemasaran POLINES : Semarang.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xiv, 66 hal. : illus. bibl.; 29 cm.
Tipe Isi
Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
Info Detil Spesifik
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab

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