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Model kepuasan sebagai intervening variabel guna meningkatkan loyalitas eksportir pada perusahaan Freight Forwarding PT. Mitra Kargo Indonesia

Competition in freight forwarding services industry becomes tighter there are increase of the transportation technology development on the contrary, the decline in cargo shipping rates happens, so the freight forwarding company strives to develop the right strategy survive in the logistics industries. The high number of demand for the export goods resulted in increasing of the number of export activities, and also the number of exporters who use the services of PT Mitra Kargo Indonesia. Problems in this study were whether the quality of service and price has an effect on customer’s loyalty through the customer satisfaction as an intervening variable therefore PT Mitra Indonesia Cargo strives to continually improve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty This study aims to determine the influence of service quality, price, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The sample in this study were 50 exporters of Mitra Kargo Indonesia Freight Forwarding Company. Samples are taken using purposive sampling technique. Data are collected using questionnaires distributed to the respondents, then analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling Partial Least Squares Program. The results showed that the quality of service has negative effect on customer satisfaction, Price has positive effect on customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction has positive effect on customer loyalty. Service quality and prices do not have effect customer loyalty through customer satisfaction. Besides, based on the results of data analysis known that service quality, price significantly have direct affect to customer loyalty.


MB006.15MB 006 SHI 2015 c.1PERPUS POLINES (TA)Tersedia

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Judul Seri
No. Panggil
MB 006 SHI 2015 c.1
Penerbit Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis POLINES : Semarang.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xv, 108 hal. : illuas.; bibl.; 29 cm.
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Tipe Pembawa
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