Penggayaan APA

R.Jablonki. (1994). Implementing TQM : Competing in the nineties through total ovality manajement. (2). New Mexico: Technical Manajemen.

Chicago Style

R.Jablonki. Implementing TQM : Competing in the nineties through total ovality manajement.. 2 New Mexico: Technical Manajemen, 1994. Text.

MLA Style

R.Jablonki. Implementing TQM : Competing in the nineties through total ovality manajement.. 2 New Mexico: Technical Manajemen, 1994. Text.

Turabian Style

R.Jablonki. Implementing TQM : Competing in the nineties through total ovality manajement.. 2 New Mexico: Technical Manajemen, 1994. Print.