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Perhitungan Harga Pokok Produksi Metode Harga Pokok Proses pada Artha Dhyna Snack Kabupaten Boyolali Bulan April Tahun 2022

The final project aims to determine the cost of goods manufactured of original peanut bread and chocolate peanut bread products using the process cost method. The data used in preparing the final project are data on material cost, data on labor costs, data on factory overhead costs, and list of fixed assets. The method of collecting data in this final project uses interview, documentation, and literature studies. The method of writing this final project is a method of description and exposition. The cost of goods manufactured according to the company’s calculation for original peanut bread is Rp 560,34 per seed and chocolate peanut bread is Rp 567,34. The calculation result of the cost of manufactured on original peanut bread is Rp 584,47 per seed and chocolate peanut bread is Rp 591,49.


AK156.2022AK 156 IMA p 2022PERPUS POLINES (TA)Tersedia

Informasi Detil

Judul Seri
No. Panggil
AK 156 IMA p 2022
Penerbit Politeknik Negeri Semarang : Semarang.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xv, 81 hlm.: ill., 30 cm.
Tipe Isi
Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
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