Penggayaan APA

Ayers, John R. Robinson, Edmund Outslay, Ron G. Worsham, John A. Barrick, Connie D. Weaver, Brian Spilker. (2013). McGraw-Hill's Taxation of Individuals And Bussiness Entities (2013). New York: McGraw Hill.

Chicago Style

Ayers, John R. Robinson, Edmund Outslay, Ron G. Worsham, John A. Barrick, Connie D. Weaver, Brian Spilker. McGraw-Hill's Taxation of Individuals And Bussiness Entities. 2013 New York: McGraw Hill, 2013. Text.

MLA Style

Ayers, John R. Robinson, Edmund Outslay, Ron G. Worsham, John A. Barrick, Connie D. Weaver, Brian Spilker. McGraw-Hill's Taxation of Individuals And Bussiness Entities. 2013 New York: McGraw Hill, 2013. Text.

Turabian Style

Ayers, John R. Robinson, Edmund Outslay, Ron G. Worsham, John A. Barrick, Connie D. Weaver, Brian Spilker. McGraw-Hill's Taxation of Individuals And Bussiness Entities. 2013 New York: McGraw Hill, 2013. Print.